Wow Patch Tbc 2.4.3
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Wow Tbc 2.4.3 Client Download
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Wow Tbc
No liability is taken for any consequences that may result in being involved with any 3rd party/independently operated websites or emulated servers. The fight looks incredibly easy (easier than even in actual Vanilla). Maybe due to 2.4.3 talents and overgear, but it just makes me think the encounter hasn't been tuned all that well. Idk how I feel about aoeing sons either. But I guess if you spawn them in numbers meant for a 40 man raid, you have to make them so weak that's the only way of dealing with them. Other than that, I guess the concept is interesting enough. What core is your server running on?
Are arena available? What's the system in place for gearing up in PvP? Would be interesting to ahve some more info. You might gain some momentum and players joining to experience a watered down vanilla that could AT ANY POINT upgrade to TBC if that was the intention. Sort of pick up where Primal-WoW failed.
Wow 2.4.3 Patch Download
Edit: What about class mechanics? Have you spent (a lot of) time fixing those? The Corecraft bugtracker has an incredible amount of information you could pull and see whether things work for you, fix them if not etc, because sources are all right there. Of course, if you aren't already using it, HellgroundCore is probably a good source for some of those fixes too. As would be the upcoming Nostalrius TBC server, as I've seen itslovelol pushing quite a few fixes to its public cMaNGOS fork.
Current stats (10m) Ragnaros, HP:1,599,230 ATK:5000(Fire) SPD:2s Son of Flame, HP:15,260 ATK:1500(Physical) SPD:1.2s Vanilla stats 1.12.1 (40m) (Generalising as some have fire/physical around the correct way) Ragnaros, HP:1,099,230 ATK:4582(Physical) SPD:2.8s Son of Flame, HP:15,260 ATK:1939(Fire) SPD:2.0s Please bare in mind that this video is of a fully geared group, full fire resist gear, tanks capped at 359 fire resist with def cap, I was the bear tank and didn't miss a single charge. Its hard to tell from this video but the melee/magma blast scripting actually works here, if main aggro target isn't in melee range but another is he will hit the other in melee range instead of start spamming magma blast, of course if no one is in melee range magma blast will start smashing the raid. The total kill time is 20 minutes if executed perfectly in a well geared group. You do require fire resistance for Ragnaros, many other servers have changed his mechanics as they couldn't get magma blast working correctly and some even delay it or remove it completely, My point is this only looks 'easy' as it was executed correctly, melee groups used CTRaidAssist for timers, tanks could charge back in etc. We started with cMangos in November 2014, I've personally worked day and night on the server since then racking up thousands of hours work fixing dungeons/quests/raids/classes etc.