Wtd For Hgv Drivers For Mac
Working Time Directive The Working Time Regulations apply to HGV Drivers and are in addition to normal HGV regulations. Working Time Directive In Brief. The Working Time Regulations have been in place for a number of years and were due to be implemented, for previously excluded sectors such as rail air and sea transport, by August 2003. These regulations can require changes to current working patterns and hours of work that are difficult to develop manually.
Working Time Directive, (pdf) The basic rights and protections that the Regulations provide are: a limit of an average of 48 hours a week which a worker can be required to work (though workers can choose to work more if they want to). A limit of an average of 8 hours work in 24 which night workers can be required to work.
A right to 11 hours rest a day. A right to a day off each week. A right to an in-work rest break if the working day is longer than six hours. A right to four weeks paid leave per year. Working Time Directive for the Road Transport sector (From the ). Downloads: There are two directives on working time that will affect drivers in the road transport sector. The first is the horizontal amending directive (2000/34/EC), which implemented in the UK on 1 August 2003 under the Working Time (Amendment) Regulations 2003 (SI.1684) affects nearly everyone in the transport sector.
Non-mobile workers in the road transport sector will be affected by all the provisions under this directive. However, only some of its provisions affect mobile workers. The second directive (2002/15/EC), usually referred to as the 'road transport directive' (RTD is specific to the road transport sector. It only affects mobile workers who participating in road transport activities covered by EU drivers' hours rules (Regulation (EEC)3820/85). The UK has until 23 March 2005 to implement this directive. Horizontal Amending Directive (HAD): Four provisions will affect drivers who fall outside the scope of the sector specific directive - i.e. Drivers of smaller vehicles and drivers of other vehicles that are exempt from the EU drivers' hours rules.
These provisions are; the 48 hour average working week, the requirement to have four weeks paid annual leave, regular health checks for night workers, and the need for 'adequate rest'. Under this amending directive workers are allowed to opt-out of the 48 hour average working week. Mobile workers subject to the Road Transport Directive are only entitled to annual leave and health checks. Guidance on the application of the existing working time regulations, as amended by the Horizontal Amending Directive can be found on the DTI web site or can be obtained from the orderline number 0870 1502 500. The Road Transport Directive (RTD): In addition to the annual leave and health checks requirement of the Horizontal Amending Directive (HAD), the Road Transport Directive (RTD) introduces additional protection for mobile workers.
Employees within the scope will be covered by 23 March 2005 and self-employed drivers should be covered by 23 March 2009. The directive includes: Weekly 'working time' is restricted to an average 48 hour week and a maximum 60 hours in any single week. There is no 'opt-out' for individuals wishing to work longer than an average 48 hour week, but break periods and 'periods of availability' do not count as working time. Periods of availability include accompanying a vehicle on a ferry crossing and waiting for a vehicle to be loaded / unloaded. However, drivers need to be notified in advance about these periods (i.e. Just before the start of the period in question), and their approximate duration.
Wtd For Hgv Drivers For Mac Free
For mobile workers driving in a team, it includes time spent sitting next to the driver while the vehicle is in motion. The need for 'adequate rest'.
Night workers are limited to 10 hours work in each 24 hour period. Derogations are available for Member States under the Road Transport Directive. Under certain circumstances, derogations can be permitted from the 10 hour daily limit for night work, and increase the reference period for the 48 hour average week can also be increased from 4 to 6 months. There is no derogation from the 60 hour maximum week. Breaks: Workers must have a break after 6 hours. A break of 30 minutes is required for 6-9 hours work; 45 minutes for over 9 hours. Breaks can be divided into 15 minute slots.
Where mixed driving and working is carried out, the drivers' hours rules on breaks (EC/3820/85) take precedence. Rest: Same as drivers' hours rules (EC/3820/85) or failing that, the AETR Agreement - but also applies to trainees.
Hgv Drivers Hours
Self-employed drivers who do not satisfy the criteria under the definition of the 'self-employed driver' will be covered from 2009. Under this definition, self-employed drivers should have a 'community licence or any other professional authorisation to carry out aforementioned transport., are not tied to an employer by employment contract or by any other type of hierarchical relationship., whose income depends directly on the profits made., and has commercial relations with several customers'.